Lucky hip replaced today HealthCareForEverybody

Bill Dane

Percentage/size of major religious groups Religion Percent:

31% Christianity (how many forced - before & after AD 1500 ?)

31% Islam

25% Unaffiliated

15% Hinduism

15% Buddhism

6% “Folk” religions

6% Other religions

0.79% ?

Bill Dane

Ha en eventyrlig uke og – et cetera Dan Skjaeveland.
Du har gitt meg mange mange eventyrlige uker – og så videre!

TAKKs Os Bill

Bill Dane

. . . we are still here to celebrate Truckin'... and what's left . . .

Bill Dane

I go for "abnormal" EKG followup . . . perhaps I will die laughing...

Bill Dane

The Book is now FREE to see @ FRP
we are far underground Dan
see my current Retail

Bill Dane

As with so much else in the (white-supremacist) English language, William Shakespeare gets the credit. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the first time "crib" was used to mean "a small dwelling" came in his 1597 play Henry VI. Part I, when King Henry delivers this soliloquy about his subjects and expresses bewilderment at their living arrangements:

"Why rather, sleep, liest thou in smoky cribs,
Upon uneasy pallets stretching thee,
And hush'd with buzzing night-flies to thy slumber,
Than in the perfum'd chambers of the great"

Bill Dane

And Now Folks! (post-li'lbilly detours og fun):
SKJÆVELAND fortsetter å utvikle seg roots . . . done it since in vitro days...​

Bill Dane

Folks gotta Do our website on a mac-pc-laptop-moviescreen..​
I fuckin' love it​ Nick+​ Beyond Bill

Bill Dane

Du Vil Ta Vare På Deg Selv
fordi du er Moden og Gjennomtenkt
Du Er Dan Skjæveland
En Manager blant idioter... et cetera

Bill Dane

private words … then:
and I've been fucked-off by the-best and some organic-assholes…

Bill Dane

Dan still plans to do my 5 books w amazon mid Nov
Do you want to put them at FreeReadPress ?
I do!
we-float never-sink

Bill Dane

Joseph FreeReadPress lookin' good...!
You are in my head when it's not over the top
finishing my part of books
Dan will do amozon in november
getting website up to some place
would like a new J.A.D. to read
hoping you're good enough to go no need to detail every fucking fucking
? you are somewhere​
Thank You

Bill Dane

! Thanks Dan Appreciated !
Kindness will get You where We all should want to be Bill

Bill Dane

Me + Stuff + Camera-Tools + You = Fiction-Nonfiction

Bill Dane

Yes! Niya McAdoo! “…death to America…”

“These systems thrive on the emotional, mental and physical trauma and labor of Black and Brown individuals who are taken advantage of everyday,”

McAdoo, who is a senior at Kansas University, isn't backing down.
"Please know that it is death to an America that was built on Indigenous genocide and the backs of Black slaves," McAdoo said in a follow-up tweet on Sept. 3. "If you’re worried about people in the service of the military, be mad at your government because my words shouldn’t make you this mad."
"It’s very telling," McAdoo said in a tweet the same day, "that more people are concerned with a re-tweet opinion and not the actual racial and sexual violence that has happened in student senate and on KU campus. Where is the outrage for Black and Brown folks? Where is the outrage for sexual assault survivors?"

Bill Dane

They died for our sins - white supremacist capitalist sins…

Bill Dane